Love knows no age limits, as proven by the heartwarming story of Harold Terens and Jeanne Swerlin, who tied the knot in Normandy, France, with a combined age of nearly 200 years. The American World War II veteran, aged 100, and his 96-year-old sweetheart exchanged vows in a beautiful ceremony near the historic D-Day beaches.
The couple, both widowed and hailing from New York City, shared their special day with well-wishers and onlookers who gathered outside the town hall of Carentan. Dressed in a vibrant pink gown and a dapper light blue suit, the bride and groom radiated joy and love as they exchanged rings and declared their commitment to each other.
Following the ceremony, the newlyweds were invited to a state dinner at the Elysee Palace, where they were honored by French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden. The symbolic wedding, although not legally binding, symbolized the enduring bond between France and the United States, especially in light of the shared history of World War II.
As the couple toasted to their happiness and world peace, Mayor Jean-Pierre Lhonneur expressed his well wishes for their future together. The wedding, set against the backdrop of D-Day memories and the celebration of French-American friendship, captured the hearts of many, including spectators who marveled at the couple’s love and happiness in their later years.
With a history rooted in wartime sacrifices and a future filled with love and companionship, Harold and Jeanne’s story serves as a reminder that true love knows no bounds, not even the passage of time.