In the world of video game accessories, there are some that stand out for their innovation and usefulness, while others are just downright silly. Let’s take a look at some of the most infamous examples of the latter.
First up, we have the Nintendo/Mattel Power Glove. This iconic accessory was intended to revolutionize gaming by allowing players to control their NES games with hand movements. However, in reality, it didn’t work very well and most players found it more practical to stick with the traditional NES pad.
Next, we have the Nintendo R.O.B (Robotic Operating Buddy). This toy robot was designed to be integrated into a limited number of games and help sell the NES as a toy. While it may have served its purpose in marketing, as a gaming accessory it was high up on the silly-O-meter.
Moving on to the Resident Evil Chainsaw Controller, this accessory was designed for Resident Evil 4 and shaped like a chainsaw. While it may have looked cool, as an actual controller it was deemed ridiculous due to its ergonomics and functionality.
The Wii Bowling Ball and Tennis Racket accessories for the Nintendo Wii aimed to make sports games feel more authentic. However, they didn’t add much to the gameplay experience and often led to accidents with flying objects in the living room.
Tony Hawk’s Skateboard Controller for Tony Hawk: Ride attempted to mimic real-world skateboarding movements for in-game controls. Unfortunately, it fell short in execution and was deemed impractical and silly.
Lastly, the SEGA Activator was an early attempt at motion-controlled gaming, but it was unreliable and had limited game compatibility. It may have helped kids burn calories while playing, but it ultimately failed to deliver on its promise.
And finally, the Azeron Cyborg One-Handed Keyboard takes the concept of a one-handed keyboard to the extreme. While some users praise its functionality, many find it overly complex and impractical for everyday use.
In conclusion, while these accessories may have had their moments of glory, they ultimately fell short in terms of practicality and functionality, earning them a spot on the list of the silliest video game accessories of all time.