TLC Home Watch Launches New Location in Alexandria – Alexandria Echo Press

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TLC Home Watch Launches in Alexandria to Provide Peace of Mind for Property Owners

ALEXANDRIA — May 13, 2024, marked the official launch of TLC Home Watch, a home watch service dedicated to watching after homes, lake cabins, and vacation properties for owners while they are away from the lakes area surrounding Alexandria.

Owned and operated by Michelle Lenertz of The Lenertz Company, TLC Home Watch offers regular, comprehensive visual inspections to detect and identify damage due to storms, vandals, rodents, or mechanical failures and then advocate for swift resolution.

“Nobody wants to arrive home to find their freezer thawed, or a branch that broke a window in a storm, along with the resulting damage to surrounding flooring or walls,” Lenertz said in an email. “These are just a few of the experiences people owning vacation properties, or snowbirds worry about while they are away.”

The mission at TLC Home Watch is to provide peace of mind for property owners, Lenertz said. “We understand the importance of maintaining the security and integrity of your home, whether it’s your primary residence, vacation property, or rental investment. With our boots on the ground, we’re committed to identifying and addressing any concerns promptly.”

TLC Home Watch is fully accredited by the National Home Watch Association, reflecting their dedication to excellence and commitment to providing top-notch service to clients. They serve a diverse range of clients, including homeowners, vacation property owners, snowbirds, and more.

For more information about TLC Home Watch and the services offered, visit or contact Michelle Lenertz at or 320-760-6733.

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