Renowned American politician and senior adviser, Lee Hamilton, reflects on the enduring question posed by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg: Can a nation like ours, ‘conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,’ endure? In a thought-provoking piece, Hamilton emphasizes the importance of redoubling our dedication to the democratic experiment our founders embarked upon.
Hamilton acknowledges the systemic challenges facing American democracy today, including discrimination, economic disparities, political polarization, and misinformation. However, he highlights the resilience of the American people in facing past challenges such as wars, recessions, and civil unrest. He emphasizes the need for citizens to renew their appreciation for being part of the American republic and to actively engage in shaping the future of the nation.
While Hamilton refrains from labeling himself as pessimistic or optimistic about the future, he stresses the importance of accepting and addressing the challenges we face as a nation. He calls on Americans to work cooperatively towards a country where all individuals have the opportunity to enjoy the promise of America and live a life of honor and excellence.
In conclusion, Hamilton urges citizens to step up to their responsibilities and ensure that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. His words serve as a reminder of the enduring values of democracy and the collective effort required to uphold them for generations to come.