Pranav Kapoor, a renowned chef turned perfumer, is taking the world by storm with his unique approach to perfume making and his innovative concept of perfume tourism. As an eighth-generation perfumer and chef, Kapoor has inherited a rich legacy of fragrance creation and culinary expertise, which he now shares with the world through his exclusive tours in the perfume capital of India, Kannauj.
Kapoor’s passion for showcasing the cultural heritage and tradition of perfume-making in Kannauj led him to kickstart perfume tourism in the region. By offering visitors a unique and immersive experience, he aims to not only promote sustainable practices and support local artisans but also contribute to the economic development of the region through tourism.
Travel and scents, according to Kapoor, are intimately connected, with scents having the power to evoke memories, emotions, and a sense of place. By incorporating scent into tourism experiences, visitors can enhance their connection to a destination and engage multiple senses beyond just sight and sound.
At Kapoor’s tour in Kannauj, visitors can expect a range of experiences, from strolling through flower fields and witnessing distillation demonstrations to blending their own unique scents at the perfume bar and indulging in a 7-course fragrance and flavor pairing menu. The hidden gems of Kannauj, including ancient temples, vibrant bazaars, and historic havelis, add to the authentic charm and cultural heritage of the region.
Looking ahead, Kapoor plans to expand his fragrance trail across India, including destinations like Kashmir, Mysore, Kerala, Madurai, and Assam, to create immersive experiences for perfume enthusiasts. As for the future of perfume tourism in Kannauj, he sees tremendous potential for growth and development, with opportunities for collaboration with local artisans and cultural organizations to showcase the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Kannauj perfumery.