Agroforestry Initiative Leads to Planting of 350 Million Trees by Farmers

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Trees for the Future, a regenerative agroforestry nonprofit, along with over 61,000 farmers, is celebrating a significant milestone in land restoration – the planting of 350 million trees worldwide. This achievement showcases the dedication and hard work of both TREES staff and the farmers involved.

The Forest Garden Approach, a regenerative agroforestry technique, is at the heart of this success. Local TREES staff train farmers to grow trees from seed on their own land strategically, providing protection and support for the farming family. This approach not only ensures the survival of the trees but also leads to land restoration and long-term prosperity for the farming community.

Enoch Makobi, the Uganda Country Director, emphasizes the importance of working closely with farmers to develop a plan for their land that considers environmental challenges and their needs for food and income. This thoughtful approach has resulted in the successful restoration of degraded soil, carbon sequestration, and the provision of food and resources for farming families.

Kenyan farmer Raphael Owaka highlights the positive impact of the trees planted in Forest Gardens, creating a cooler atmosphere and providing food and income for families in need. With 350 million trees planted since 1989 and over 61,000 farmers trained in the Forest Garden Approach, TREES continues to make a significant impact in countries like Senegal, Mali, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

As Earth Day and Arbor Day approach, TREES acknowledges the support of corporate partners, institutional funders, and individual donors who have contributed to their work. This milestone serves as a reminder of the collective effort needed to address climate change and support those most affected by it.

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