A video of an American man attempting to play a traditional Assamese musical instrument called the ‘gogona’ has taken the internet by storm. The gogona is a popular folk instrument in Assam, primarily played by women. In the viral video shared on Instagram, the man can be seen trying to master the art of playing this unique bamboo reed instrument.
The video, which was posted on April 15, has already garnered over 1.4 million views and more than 17,000 likes. Viewers were amazed by the man’s skills with the gogona, with one user commenting, “he plays the gogona better than me man.” Another user pointed out the significance of the instrument in Assamese culture, saying, “Bro It is called Gongona famous musical instrument of our Bodo community in Assam, please search on Google for more information.”
The gogona is a traditional jaw harp made of bamboo with a bifurcated end. It is held between the teeth while the free ends are rhythmically pounded with the fingers to produce lively and energetic sounds. The instrument is an integral part of Assam’s Bihu music, known for its vibrant celebrations where women often wear the gogona as a hairpin while dancing to the beats of the dhol and pepa.
Music has always been a universal language that transcends boundaries, and this video is a perfect example of how a simple melody can bring people together, regardless of their background or nationality. The gogona’s enchanting sounds have captivated audiences worldwide, showcasing the power of music to unite us all.