Phyllis Williams-Strawder, also known as the “Ghetto Country Brandmother,” is revolutionizing the world of branding with her unique and caring approach. As the founder of Brandma’s House, a consulting company dedicated to helping personal brands “grow the f*** up,” Williams-Strawder is on a mission to transform business branding practices for her clients.
With a background in running a successful barbecue restaurant with her husband, Williams-Strawder realized that she had a bigger role to play in life than just being Mrs. Mista. She decided to leave the restaurant business behind and focus on helping others become brand leaders.
Through her books, social media presence, and the Brandma’s House Show, Williams-Strawder shares her wisdom and expertise on effective brand building. She believes that good branding goes beyond showcasing products or services and is about creating lasting connections with customers.
Williams-Strawder emphasizes the importance of authenticity and transparency in branding, urging individuals to “own their crazy” and embrace their unique identity. By building trust with their audience and engaging in genuine conversations, business owners can create deep connections and foster brand loyalty.
As a certified brand strategist and life/business coach, Williams-Strawder is dedicated to helping her clients reach their full potential and build successful brands. Her unconventional approach to branding is resonating with entrepreneurs everywhere, as she continues to empower and inspire others to take their brands to the next level.