In a groundbreaking new film titled “Dog on Trial,” Swiss-French actress and writer Laetitia Dosch explores the legal and philosophical implications of animal personhood. The film, set in Switzerland, follows the story of a spirited young female attorney named Avril and her client, Cosmos, a charismatic pup facing trial for biting three people. If convicted, Cosmos could face the ultimate punishment of death.
Dosch drew inspiration from real-life cases where dog owners were held accountable for their pets’ actions, including one that made its way to the European Court of Human Rights. The film delves into the complex relationship between humans and animals, questioning the traditional classification of animals as mere things under the law.
While some countries have started to recognize animal sentience, acknowledging that animals can feel fear, pain, and joy, many legal systems still treat animals as property. Dosch’s film challenges viewers to consider what it would mean if animals were granted specific rights and how society demands conformity from both humans and animals.
“Dogs are the most wonderful companions we can have,” Dosch explains, highlighting the deep bond between humans and their furry friends. As the film premieres at Cannes Film Market, it sparks discussions about the evolving nature of animal rights and the emotional connections we share with our animal companions. “Dog on Trial” is not just a film for animal lovers but a thought-provoking exploration of justice, compassion, and the blurred lines between personhood and property in the eyes of the law.