Dr. Kgosi Letlape, President of the Africa Harm Reduction Alliance, emphasizes the importance of technology in Tobacco Harm Reduction Approach at AHAS 2024

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The 2024 Africa Healthcare Summit in Accra focused on the theme “Advances in Public Health-Tackling Inequities and Access: A One Health Approach”. Dr. Kgosi Letlape, President of the Africa Harm Reduction Alliance, highlighted the challenge of adopting harm reduction practices in an interview.

He emphasized the need for collaboration among stakeholders to address tobacco harm reduction. Despite the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recognition that nicotine itself is not the issue, there is confusion in creating effective policies due to changing stances.

Misinformation and misconceptions surrounding harm reduction pose a significant challenge, especially among policymakers. Education, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, is crucial to combat these barriers.

Technology plays a vital role in tobacco harm reduction, offering innovative solutions for users to transition to less harmful nicotine delivery methods. From e-cigarettes to heat-not-burn products, continuous innovation is key to providing safer alternatives.

Despite the progress in harm reduction strategies, the WHO’s reluctance to fully embrace these approaches hinders global efforts. With the tobacco industry’s involvement in alternative products, the need for evidence-based policies and collaboration among stakeholders remains paramount for public health advancement.

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