Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman recently sat down for an in-depth interview with businessline, discussing the challenges and achievements during her tenure as Finance Minister. Reflecting on the past five years, she highlighted the unprecedented challenges faced, including the Covid-19 pandemic, Galwan incident, and economic disruptions. Despite these challenges, she emphasized the importance of strong leadership and policy-making based on ground-level inputs.
Sitharaman also discussed notable policy initiatives such as the implementation of GST and IBC, acknowledging the teething troubles faced during their rollout. She emphasized the need for continuous dialogue and refinement to address issues and ensure the effectiveness of these reforms.
Regarding future reforms, Sitharaman mentioned the importance of rate rationalization in GST and simplifying registration processes. She also touched upon the need for direct tax reforms, emphasizing the significance of faceless assessment in simplifying the tax regime.
On the topic of global indices and dollar inflows, Sitharaman expressed confidence in managing potential disruptions, highlighting the importance of oversight to ensure financial stability. She also addressed the government’s stance on cryptocurrency regulation, emphasizing the need for global consensus on regulating crypto assets.
In conclusion, Sitharaman discussed the government’s approach to poverty alleviation and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of empowering the poor and fostering entrepreneurship. She also shared insights on the ongoing elections and the party’s performance in different states, highlighting the focus on governance and development as key factors in voter sentiment.