It’s been 37 years since the beloved Merseyside-based sitcom “Watching” first graced our screens on ITV. The show, which aired from 1987 to 1993, followed the quirky romance between Brenda from Liverpool and Malcolm from Meols, capturing the hearts of 13 million viewers.
The series, consisting of 56 episodes across seven seasons, culminated in Brenda and Malcolm tying the knot in the final episode titled “Knotting”. The success of the show launched the acting careers of many cast members, with some going on to star in popular soaps like EastEnders, Coronation Street, and Emmerdale.
One standout cast member was Paul Bown, who played Malcolm Stoneway. Since his breakout role, Paul, now 66, has appeared in various TV programs like Coronation Street, Casualty, and Holby City. He even shared the screen with Rowan Atkinson in the pilot episode of Blackadder.
Another memorable cast member was Emma Wray, who portrayed Brenda Wilson. After her time on “Watching”, Emma retired from acting in 1999, working as a nanny. She dated co-star Perry Fenwick, who later found fame on EastEnders.
The show also featured talented actors like Liza Tarbuck, Perry Fenwick, Patsy Byrne, Philip Fox, John Bowler, and Elizabeth Spriggs, each making their mark in the entertainment industry post-“Watching”.
As fans reminisce about this classic sitcom, the legacy of “Watching” lives on through the continued success of its cast members in the world of television and film.