In a heartwarming tale of resilience and determination, George “Barry” Schmoyer of Viera has found a new lease on life through the power of exercise. A retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and avid golfer and runner, Schmoyer’s world was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a rare and incurable lung condition.
Facing the daunting reality of his diagnosis, Schmoyer turned to Health First’s Pulmonary Rehab program at Pro-Health & Fitness in Viera for hope. This innovative program combines pulmonology, respiratory therapy, and physical therapy to help patients with chronic lung diseases improve their quality of life.
Under the guidance of exercise specialists, patients like Schmoyer engage in tailored workouts using treadmills, stationary bicycles, and upper body ergometers. With a focus on strengthening the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles, the program aims to enhance overall lung function and physical endurance.
Dr. Kerry Spero, Medical Director for Health First Pulmonary Rehab, emphasizes the importance of exercise in improving breathing and quality of life for patients with chronic lung diseases. By participating in Pulmonary Rehab, patients not only see improvements in their respiratory capacity but also experience enhanced strength and mobility.
For Schmoyer, the journey has been challenging but rewarding. Surrounded by a supportive community of fellow patients, he has found motivation and camaraderie in the program. As he continues to push himself in each session, Schmoyer is inspired by the progress he sees in himself and his peers.
With the Pulmonary Rehab program expected to double in size, more patients will have the opportunity to huff, puff, and strengthen their way to a better quality of life. Through dedication and perseverance, individuals like Schmoyer are proving that with the right support and mindset, anything is possible.