In a light-hearted moment ahead of the IPL 2024 final between Kolkata Knight Riders and Sunrisers Hyderabad, Shreyas Iyer and Pat Cummins engaged in a hilarious banter during a photoshoot with the IPL trophy. The two skippers visited Marina Beach and took an auto ride, where Shreyas jokingly charged Cummins Rs 20 crore for the ride, referencing the hefty price tag the Australian player attracted in the IPL auction.
The playful exchange between the two captains left both players in splits, showcasing the camaraderie and sportsmanship in the IPL. Shreyas also quizzed Cummins about his experience with the KKR team that won the IPL back in 2014, adding to the fun-filled interaction.
Kolkata Knight Riders finished at the top of the points table and secured their spot in the final by defeating Sunrisers Hyderabad in Qualifier 1. On the other hand, SRH had to stage a comeback with wins over Royal Challengers Bengaluru and Rajasthan Royals to set up a thrilling summit clash at the Chepauk Stadium in Chennai.
As the excitement builds for the IPL final, fans can look forward to an entertaining showdown between the two top teams in the tournament. Stay tuned for more updates and highlights from the IPL 2024 final as the battle for the coveted trophy unfolds.