The Indian School of Business (ISB) in Hyderabad has launched a groundbreaking programme for aspiring entrepreneurs called I-Venture Immersive (ivi), aimed at nurturing innovative minds from diverse backgrounds. The initiative, led by I-Venture@ISB, is set to provide a platform for individuals with or without formal education beyond Class 12 to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.
Professor Bhagwan Chowdhry, Faculty Director of I-Venture@ISB, highlighted the significance of the programme in India’s thriving startup ecosystem, where talent often outweighs traditional education. The inclusive approach of ivi aims to foster innovation and drive economic growth by welcoming individuals without college degrees.
The first round of admissions for ‘ivi’ is currently open, with the founding cohort set to begin their six-month immersive experience in October at the ISB campus in Hyderabad. The programme, described as ‘more than an incubator, more than a school,’ will offer transformative support and funding opportunities for cohort members to bring their innovative ideas to life.
Designed to cater to a diverse group of aspiring entrepreneurs, ‘ivi’ will support recent graduates, tech professionals, family business owners, women entrepreneurs, and armed forces veterans in launching their ventures. The selection process for the programme involves candidates uploading videos explaining their motivations, focusing on problem-solving through innovative methods like AI, machine learning, and data analysis.
The curriculum of ‘ivi’ will cover a range of subjects including accounting, marketing, Lean Startup entrepreneurship, Design Thinking principles, finance fundamentals, negotiation skills, and supply chain management. With a hands-on and immersive approach, the programme aims to empower individuals from all walks of life to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations and contribute to the dynamic landscape of Indian entrepreneurship.