Japanese students are making progress in their English proficiency

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The English proficiency of public junior and senior high school students in Japan is on the rise, according to a recent education ministry survey. The survey revealed that the proportion of third-year junior high school students with English skills equivalent to Grade 3 or higher in the Eiken proficiency tests increased to 50.0% in the fiscal 2023 survey, marking a 0.8 percentage point improvement from the previous year. Similarly, the share of third-year senior high school students with English skills equivalent to Grade Pre-2 or higher Eiken levels also saw an increase, rising by 1.9 points to 50.6%.

This is the first time that both proportions have reached 50%, with the government setting a target to raise the figure to 60% or higher by fiscal 2027. The survey also highlighted regional disparities in English proficiency, with the city of Saitama boasting the highest proportion of third-year junior high school students with Grade 3 or higher Eiken levels at 88.4%, while Saga Prefecture recorded the lowest figure at 30.1%.

Furthermore, the survey indicated that the share of English teachers with skills equivalent to Grade Pre-1 or higher has also increased, reaching 44.8% at junior high schools and 80.7% at senior high schools. Additionally, the use of digital textbooks in schools has become more prevalent, with about 80% of elementary schools and 90% of junior high schools utilizing digital resources.

Overall, the survey reflects a positive trend in English language education in Japan, with efforts being made to improve proficiency levels across different regions and school levels.

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