Paris Hilton Supports California Legislation to Increase Transparency in Youth Treatment Facilities

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Paris Hilton, the heiress and media personality, has joined California state lawmakers in advocating for legislation that would bring more transparency to youth treatment facilities. The bill aims to address the lack of oversight in short-term residential facilities for troubled teens dealing with substance abuse and behavioral issues.

Hilton testified in a legislative hearing in support of the bill, sharing her own harrowing experience of abuse as a teenager at a facility in Utah. She emphasized the need for action to prevent more children from suffering similar treatment.

The proposed legislation would require facilities to report details of disciplinary actions taken against minors, including the use of restraints or seclusion rooms. It would also mandate that such information be made public and updated regularly by the state department regulating the facilities.

Hilton, who has become a vocal advocate for more oversight and regulation of teen treatment centers, highlighted the importance of shedding light on child abuse at these facilities and holding them accountable. She emphasized that the legislation would have been helpful to her and many others who were cut off from the outside world and unable to share their experiences with their families.

The bill, sponsored by Hilton’s company 11:11 Media, has passed committee with bipartisan support. It represents a significant step towards ensuring increased transparency and accountability for California’s vulnerable youth population. Hilton’s advocacy efforts have already led to reforms in several states and at the federal level, demonstrating her commitment to protecting minors from abuse and mistreatment.

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