A groundbreaking genetic study conducted in Hangzhou, China has revealed that a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the effects of life-shortening genes by more than 60 percent. The study, published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, highlights the importance of lifestyle choices in determining longevity and overall health.
The research, which analyzed data from 353,742 adults participating in the UK Biobank between 2006 and 2010, found that genes play a significant role in determining lifespan and chronic illness risk. However, an unhealthy lifestyle was independently associated with a 78-percent increased risk of premature death, regardless of genetic factors.
Using a polygenic risk score to evaluate multiple genetic variants, researchers categorized participants into groups based on their genetic predisposition for long, intermediate, or short lifespans. They also created a weighted healthy lifestyle score, taking into account factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, body shape, sleep, and diet quality.
Over an average tracking period of almost 13 years, 24,239 participants died. The study found that individuals genetically predisposed to a shorter lifespan were 21 percent more likely to die early than those with a genetic predisposition for a longer life, regardless of lifestyle choices. Additionally, those with an unfavorable lifestyle were 78 percent more likely to die prematurely than those with a favorable lifestyle, irrespective of genetic predisposition.
The results also showed that individuals at high genetic risk of a shorter lifespan and with an unfavorable lifestyle were twice as likely to die prematurely compared to those genetically predisposed to a longer life with a favorable lifestyle. The researchers emphasized the importance of factors such as not smoking, regular physical activity, sufficient sleep, and a healthy diet in promoting a favorable lifestyle.
While the study was observational and could not directly link healthy living to life expectancy, the findings suggest a clear association between lifestyle choices and genetic predisposition for premature death. The researchers believe that public health policies aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles could help mitigate the impact of genetic factors on human lifespan.
Epigenetics, the study of how behaviors and environment can influence gene function, is a key area of research in understanding health and disease prevention. The study highlights the potential for lifestyle choices to influence gene expression and offset genetic predispositions for premature death.
Overall, the study underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in promoting longevity and reducing the risk of premature death. By making positive lifestyle choices, individuals can potentially offset the effects of life-shortening genes and improve their overall health and well-being.