SS Rajamouli, the renowned director behind the blockbuster Baahubali franchise, has announced an exciting new project that has fans buzzing with anticipation. The filmmaker took to social media to reveal the upcoming animated series titled “Baahubali Crown of Blood.”
In a video shared by Rajamouli, the title of the animated series emerges from the smolder, accompanied by the chanting of “Baahubali” by enthusiastic fans. The director also teased that a trailer for the series will be released soon, adding to the excitement surrounding the project.
This announcement comes as a pleasant surprise for fans of the Baahubali franchise, who have been eagerly awaiting new content from the beloved series. Rajamouli’s previous animated venture, “Baahubali: The Lost Legends,” received a positive response when it was released on Amazon Prime Video in 2017.
Rajamouli’s Baahubali films have been game-changers in the Indian cinema industry, setting new standards for epic storytelling and visual effects. The success of the franchise has also helped popularize the term “Pan-India” in the film industry, paving the way for other South Indian films to achieve success on a national and international level.
With the announcement of “Baahubali Crown of Blood,” fans can look forward to diving back into the rich and immersive world created by Rajamouli, as they eagerly await the release of the animated series trailer. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated project!