The film “Aalakaalam” directed by Jaya Krishnamoorthy delivers a powerful message against alcoholism. The story revolves around Jai, the son of a single mother who lost her husband to alcoholism. Jai, raised as a teetotaller, falls in love with Tamizh, a girl from a well-to-do family. However, his classmate Rajesh, who also loves Tamizh, tries to make Jai drink to win her over.
Jai succumbs to alcohol and his life takes a downward spiral, leading to his suspension from college and marriage to Tamizh. The film portrays the struggles of Tamizh as she tries to reform Jai, highlighting the impact of alcoholism on relationships and families.
While the film successfully conveys its anti-alcohol message, it lacks entertainment value. Director Jaya Krishnamoorthy’s performance as Jai is initially unconvincing, affecting the credibility of the film. However, the second half of the film intensifies the emotional impact, with strong performances from Chandini Tamilarasan and Easwari Rao.
Overall, “Aalakaalam” effectively educates viewers on the dangers of alcoholism but falls short in providing an engaging cinematic experience. It appeals to those seeking a meaningful message in films but may not be suitable for those looking for light-hearted entertainment.