Selected as the 2024 Shin Chosen for Scripps Howard Leadership Academy

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Dr. Jae-Hwa Shin, a distinguished professor of public relations at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), has been selected to participate in the prestigious Scripps Howard Leadership Academy at Newhouse, located at Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications.

The academy, scheduled for July, is an intensive training program tailored for higher education leaders and individuals interested in understanding the complexities and rewards of leading an academic institution. Participants, including deans, associate deans, department chairs, faculty, and experienced journalists, will engage in hands-on experiences to navigate the responsibilities of senior leadership in journalism and mass communications schools.

Dr. Shin expressed her gratitude for the opportunity, stating, “I look forward to bringing back what I’ve learned to my university community to further our mission of preparing students for success in the ever-evolving media and communication fields.”

With a doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Dr. Shin’s research focuses on public relations from a strategic conflict management perspective. Her notable publications, such as “Public Relations Theory: Capabilities and Competencies” and “Public Relations Strategies and Tactics,” have received recognition for their contributions to public relations education.

Dr. Shin’s colleagues at USM commend her dedication and leadership within the institution. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Lance Nail praised her positive contributions to the university and the field of communications, highlighting her energy and commitment to driving positive outcomes.

Dr. Shin’s participation in the Scripps Howard Leadership Academy at Newhouse reflects her ongoing commitment to excellence in education and leadership development. Her colleagues and students at USM look forward to the impact of her enhanced leadership skills on the university community and beyond.

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