Study suggests that a healthy lifestyle can reduce genetic risk for early death by 62%

Reading Time: 2 minutes A new study published in the journal BMJ Evidence Based Medicine has…

Study Shows Lifestyle-Dementia Links Remain Strong Despite Genetic Risk Factors

Reading Time: 2 minutes A recent French prospective study has found that lifestyle and other dementia…

Study finds that healthy lifestyle choices can offset genetic predispositions

Reading Time: 2 minutes Genetics May Not Be Destiny: Healthy Lifestyle Could Combat Early Death Risk…

Research Shows that Adopting Healthy Habits Decreases Genetic Predisposition to Early Mortality by 62%

Reading Time: 2 minutes A recent study has shed light on the significant impact of healthy…

ScienceAlert: Healthy Lifestyle May Reduce Genetic Risk of Early Death by 62%

Reading Time: 2 minutes A groundbreaking new study has shed light on the complex interplay between…

6 Lifestyle Habits That Can Help Counteract Genetic Risk Factors

Reading Time: 2 minutes A groundbreaking new study published on April 29, 2024, has shed light…

Study finds that a healthy lifestyle can counteract genetic risks for early death

Reading Time: 2 minutes A groundbreaking study published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine has shed…

Study suggests that a healthy lifestyle may offset genetic risk of shorter lifespan, according to ET HealthWorld

Reading Time: 2 minutes A new study published in the British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine has…

Study finds that a healthy lifestyle can extend life by 5 years, regardless of genetic factors.

Reading Time: 2 minutes A groundbreaking study has revealed that adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly…

Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle Can Offset Poor Genetic Factors by 60%

Reading Time: 2 minutes A groundbreaking study published in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine has revealed that…

Living a Healthy Lifestyle Can Decrease Genetic Risk of Premature Death

Reading Time: 2 minutes A new study led by researchers from Zhejiang University School of Medicine…

Study Shows that Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle at 40 Can Add 5 Years to Life and Counteract Genetic Risk

Reading Time: 2 minutes Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle at 40 Could Add Five Years to Life,…

Evidence that you can overcome genetic predispositions with four simple lifestyle changes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Genetics may play a role in determining our lifespan, but a new…

Largest research on rare genetic disease risk in Middle East led by Sidra Medicine

Reading Time: 2 minutes The groundbreaking study conducted by Sidra Medicine in Qatar has shed light…

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