heart disease

8 Lifestyle Factors that Can Lower Your Risk and Slow Down the Aging Process

A groundbreaking new study has found that adopting heart-healthy habits can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and death,…

9 months ago

Study finds that being a father could have negative effects on heart health

A new study has found that being a father may come with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to…

9 months ago

7 Heart-Healthy Fruits and Vegetables to Enjoy this Summer

Summer is in full swing, and with the warm weather comes the perfect opportunity to enjoy a picnic outdoors. But…

10 months ago

Reducing Your Risk and Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Heart disease is a silent killer that claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people each year. Despite the…

10 months ago

Study claims that sedentjsonary lifestyle is detrimental to young hearts

A recent Finnish study has shed light on the detrimental effects of high levels of sedentary behavior and physical inactivity…

10 months ago

Defeating Bad Genes: 4 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Outrun Them

A groundbreaking study has revealed that following a healthy lifestyle could potentially add five years to your life, even if…

10 months ago

Preventing Cardiac Arrest in Diabetic Patients: Strategies for Heart Health and Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and its impact goes beyond just managing blood sugar…

11 months ago