Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has launched its new artificial intelligence-powered chatbot on WhatsApp. The Meta AI chatbot is designed to offer a range of features such as answering questions, generating text and images, translating languages, and more.
The rollout of Meta AI has begun for select users in India and other countries, with wider availability expected soon. Users in India have already started confirming the arrival of the feature on WhatsApp.
To check if the feature is available for you, simply update the WhatsApp app on your smartphone. The new generative AI features, powered by Llama, introduce a Perplexity AI-like UI within the WhatsApp messenger.
Before using Meta AI on WhatsApp, users must agree to Meta’s AI terms. Messages from Meta AI and other characters are generated by artificial intelligence using a service from Meta in response to the prompts sent to the AI.
As of now, Meta AI can only respond to questions that specifically mention @Meta AI. Personal messages and calls on WhatsApp remain end-to-end encrypted. Users can access the Meta AI chatbot within group chats by following a few simple steps.
While responses generated by AI may not always be entirely accurate, the feature is currently in its testing phase and will be available for everyone in the coming months. Stay tuned for more updates on Meta AI and its functionalities on WhatsApp.